Friday, July 24, 2009

Sue Scheff: Google Bomb Book Endorsements are Outstanding!

Google Bomb – The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict That Changed the Way We Use the Internet

I am so excited as we are nearing our launch date of September 1st. Of course, excitement mixed with other emotions as this book was extremely difficult to write, however I know that there are many people out there that are victims of vicious keystrokes, and suffering with the feeling of being powerless to the Internet Slime. Take control back, learn to maintain and build your virtual image. Internet Defamation and Invasion of Privacy is a horrible and emotional experience that can lead many people into seclusion, depression and fear.

Do you have a story to share? Visit me at This book is dedicated to those that are suffering with cyberharassement and feeling helpless and alone. Trust me, you are not alone.

Here are the endorsements and reviews so far, and more are coming in…. I want to thank all these people for taking the time to read Google Bomb and send us their comments.

As author of the foreword and CEO and Founder of Reputation Defender Michael Fertik says, “Google is not God. Google is not the First Amendment, and it is not the truth. It is a machine. It may be the best machine invented in the past fifteen years, with myriad benefits for human knowledge and collaboration, but it is still just a machine that operates on rules devised by people. For that reason, it is both inherently fallible and subject to deliberate abuse.”
—Michael Fertik, CEO and Founder of Reputation Defender

“I haven’t been this affected by a book in a long time. I went from a shaking rage to knots in my stomach to tears and finally to cheers. What happened to Sue could happen to any of us, and Google Bomb’s practical guidance, makes this a highly profound and useful book that the world needs to read.”
Michele Borba, Ed.D., Author of The Big Book of Parenting Solutions, Parenting Expert and Today Show Contributor

“Google Bomb is a great book! The Constitution protects free speech, but slander is not free speech. We should be able to hold slanderers accountable, and Google Bomb helps readers do that.”
—Senator Walter G. “Skip” Campbell, Jr.

“Parents need to teach their kids to be safe online, and Google Bomb offers a game plan that even a technophobe can execute. A must read for anyone who has ever posted their name on the internet, but especially for those whose kids are doing so every day.”
—Danielle Wood, Editor-in-Chief,

“Google Bomb is an instructive and timely book that will only become increasingly relevant as our laws catch up to the realities of today’s evolving technology. Sue’s triumph over her attacker underscores the principle that there is no constitutionally protected right to defame others online.”
—Fatima R. Fahmy, Attorney at Law

“Google Bomb offers solutions to virtual threats and character assassinations and is a wakeup call as to why we need tough legislation to protect the innocent – albeit children, adults, or businesses. Bravo to Sue Scheff and John W. Dozier Jr. for writing this much-needed book.”
—Ross Ellis, Founder and CEO, Love Our Children USA

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sue Scheff: The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict that Changed the Way We Used the Internet

The book is almost here, Google Bomb, and the early reviews have been fantastic! Today, cyberslander, Internet Defamation, Cyber Harassment is a growing problem. Google Bomb is a CALL to ACTION!

As I am working together with legislators, the wheels of justice move slowly, but they do move.

For all of you victims out there that feel powerless and fearful, eventually you will find the power to rise above Internet Slime.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sue Scheff: Internet Defamation - The Untold Story of the $11M Verdict that Changed the Way we Use the Internet - Coming Soon

The time is almost here, as the engaging foreword was just completed! CEO and Founder of ReputationDefender, Michael Fertik, wrote a compelling and straight up introduction to what has become the new wild, wild West - The Internet.

The launching of Google Bomb book is September and already the reviews have been amazing and rewarding.

For the first time, hear the behind the scenes of my landmark case for Internet Defamation and Invasion of Privacy. I never in a million years thought I would be able to finish or even write this book, as it is very painful. Many victims of Internet Slime can completely relate to what I am saying. The feeling of powerlessness over the Internet can be debilitating.

I dedicated this book to all of you that have written me (emailed me), called me, or are going through a difficult time of being maligned online. It is time to rise above Internet Defamation and fight back!

This book is a call to action - as I have meet with a Senator and my Congresswoman, I am confident changes are coming - slowly but surely!
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@RepDef (ReputationDefender)